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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von Sunny
Forum: Kuddelmuddel International
Thema: English Speakers in Germany
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 95298

Re: English Speakers in Germany

@plüsch, welcome! :) @Fab, your English is great! No worries. c: I just thought of all the little youtube videos there are of people reading children's books in English. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a favourite of mine, hehehe. @Karuh, why thank you! Hehe. c: Hi to you too! I think many people's &...
von Sunny
Forum: Kuddelmuddel International
Thema: English Speakers in Germany
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 95298

Re: English Speakers in Germany

@Michael, wait a second... Coke gives you black feet!? What?! Good thing I like iced tea better, hehehe. >:) It would be very cute!
von Sunny
Forum: Kuddelmuddel International
Thema: English Speakers in Germany
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 95298

Re: English Speakers in Germany

@Jona, hi! I was messaged by someone about this site a long long time ago on fetlife, but I thought it was spam so I didn't reply or look into it HAHA. But then I remembered it recently and decided to see if this website is actually real, and it is!! Yay! I didn't want to put English in the German s...
von Sunny
Forum: Kuddelmuddel International
Thema: English Speakers in Germany
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 95298

Re: English Speakers in Germany

Hi everyone! Thank you for your replies! ♡ It's so interesting to hear from different English speakers, and even more so to see that there are different "ages" on this forum, too. I wasn't sure what I would find. @Luci, I'll send you a message! Hehe. @eedoo, I never thought of using lack o...
von Sunny
Forum: Kuddelmuddel International
Thema: English Speakers in Germany
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 95298

English Speakers in Germany

Hi everyone! My name is Sunny and I'm a native English speaker living in the Ruhrgebiet in NRW. I'm so super happy that there's an English section to this forum because I really want to make little friends in Germany!! I'd like to get a feel for the English speaking community on here, so since this ...

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