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English Speakers in Germany

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English Speakers in Germany

von Sunny » 13.02.2018

Hi everyone!

My name is Sunny and I'm a native English speaker living in the Ruhrgebiet in NRW. I'm so super happy that there's an English section to this forum because I really want to make little friends in Germany!! I'd like to get a feel for the English speaking community on here, so since this seems to be the second post in the international section, how many people here speak English and would like to write in English on this forum? And to make it interesting, have you ever spoken a foreign language while in little space, and did it change anything?

Talk soon!
☼ Sunny
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Jona Windeltiger

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von eedoo » 13.02.2018

Hi, and welcome to Kuddelmuddel!

Can't speak for the other members, but there should be quite a few English speakers here. I certainly do speak English, and I'm also ready to write in English.

As for your question, when I'm in little space, I usually don't talk a lot as my little is quite small, and if I talk it's more like a simplified or babyfied version of German. What I do find interesting though is being spoken to in a language that I don't understand (which rules out English, I'm afraid) or to read children's books in other languages that I don't fully understand, and it certainly adds to the experience of being little.
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Luci » 13.02.2018

Hi and welcome Sunny,

I'm really excited to hear you're a native English speaker. I lived in England and Canada for 1.5 years and am always excited to talk to someone in English :)
Where exactly in the Ruhrgebiet do you live? I live in Cologne (which is quite nearby) so maybe we can meetup some time :) What are you doing in Germany and how do you like it?

I don't think that I ever spoke a foreign language in Little Space (though I prefer to watch Disney Movies in English). Maybe I should try, so I can't speak as eloquent as in German :D


Growing up is a choice. Embrace your inner child no matter what age you are

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von baerschen » 13.02.2018

Hey Sunny,

happy to read your post in the international section! I‘m not a native English speaker, but sometimes I have the impression that I speak English more than German - I‘m working together with people from all over the world, and of course we all speak English when we talk with each other

As a little, I‘m more like a school kid, and I'm quite sure this kid I am is very curious and eager to learn things, and will love to learn foreign languages from other kids! However, in my („real“) childhood, English was a language you started to learn at an age of.. say... 11 or so. Therefore it‘s not really part of my childhood memories, and I don‘t really think it would feel natural for me to speak English more or less fluently (I mean as a little). But „learning the first few words“ may be an interesting experience.

Cheers, Michael

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Sunny » 18.02.2018

Hi everyone! Thank you for your replies! ♡ It's so interesting to hear from different English speakers, and even more so to see that there are different "ages" on this forum, too. I wasn't sure what I would find.

@Luci, I'll send you a message! Hehe.

@eedoo, I never thought of using lack of knowledge of a language as a means to stay in little space, but thinking about it, it sounds like a wonderful idea.

@Michael, I'm similar to you in terms of my "age" as a little, and I think learning the first few words would make for an adorable moment. It kind of adds onto what eedoo was talking about. :)

Jona Windeltiger
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Jona Windeltiger » 18.02.2018

Hey Sunny,

a warm welcome to you, glad you made it here! :)
Feel free to use this forum for every question you have!

How did you find us and our English speaking section?

Did someone already tell you that there are frequent munches in your area? Maybe we meet in real life once!?

All the best, also from NRW
"A hot guy telling you when you can and can't pee? That's the dream." (Robin Scherbatsky)

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von baerschen » 18.02.2018

@sunny, Jona: Hehe, that sounds cool... littles meeting in a German pub and learning their first English words while drinking coke and beer (I‘m quite sure I wasn‘t allowed to drink any of those at my little age :D You know, Coke gives you black feet, stupid adults said...)

Best, Michael

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Sunny » 18.02.2018

@Jona, hi! I was messaged by someone about this site a long long time ago on fetlife, but I thought it was spam so I didn't reply or look into it HAHA. But then I remembered it recently and decided to see if this website is actually real, and it is!! Yay! I didn't want to put English in the German section, so I'm super happy this section exists already! Even if it's not used so much (yet).

I have heard of general munches (SMJG, SMart, Poly stammis, etc), but no "littles munch" except for the one in Bielefeld. I would love to know if there are more, though! c:

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Sunny » 18.02.2018

@Michael, wait a second... Coke gives you black feet!? What?! Good thing I like iced tea better, hehehe. >:) It would be very cute!

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von baerschen » 18.02.2018

Yeah, when I was a child (I mean... for the first time ;) ), people used to say so in Germany :D

prinzessin plüsch
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von prinzessin plüsch » 22.03.2018

i think my english is quite acceptable :3
count me in ^^
harter kern und weiches fell.... moment der spruch ging anders....o.o

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von FabFab » 22.03.2018

hy, i want to particcipate in this discussion too. My little is quite young, just like the first or seconde post said already. I would also agree with the wish to read or hear a language i wont understand tfeel more like a little child. My english is not hthe best, but i hope you are able to understand it :D

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Karuh » 24.03.2018

Sunny to the rescue of this part of the forum! Glad to see there's something going on in English here.
A hearty welcome from my hood, Frankfurt.

And a very interesting question you're asking here. I'd like to say that I like to hear both languages from my little princess although it feels a bit strange to talk in english to my little. Just because we don't associate this language with anything from our childhood, I guess. :)

Karuh (spoken: Carue)
:(){ :|: & };:

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Sunny » 01.04.2018

@plüsch, welcome! :)

@Fab, your English is great! No worries. c: I just thought of all the little youtube videos there are of people reading children's books in English. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a favourite of mine, hehehe.

@Karuh, why thank you! Hehe. c: Hi to you too! I think many people's "first" childhood definitely has a big affect on their little space later in life. I was actually talking about this with my sub today and we got on the topic of "parental" titles and nicknames - what does your little call you? My sub thinks that German littles still just use "Daddy" in English, but I find this hard to believe... Detective Sunny on the job!

Or really to anyone who reads this, what do you call your partner, little or big?

Jona Windeltiger
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Jona Windeltiger » 15.04.2018

@plüsch, welcome! :)
@Karuh, why thank you! Hehe. c: Hi to you too! I think many people's "first" childhood definitely has a big affect on their little space later in life. I was actually talking about this with my sub today and we got on the topic of "parental" titles and nicknames - what does your little call you? My sub thinks that German littles still just use "Daddy" in English, but I find this hard to believe... Detective Sunny on the job!

Or really to anyone who reads this, what do you call your partner, little or big?
Due to obvious reasons I can't share current experience on this topic. But I guess it's kind of true, that in German(y) in age play you actually use "Daddy" or "Mummy" rather than the German "Papa" or "Mama". I'm not sure if this is due to the immanent influence of US-culture on our community or the wish to differentiate between a parental role and a role-play role. Both - I guess ;)
"A hot guy telling you when you can and can't pee? That's the dream." (Robin Scherbatsky)

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von boregar » 27.05.2018

I´m guessing, that I´m a couple months late, for the party but I love speaking English and the opportunities to do so become less and less (except for academic english). Altough I´m German born an raised, my first "real" little was met during a year long USA exchange. If anybody feels lke chating in English just hit me up^^

Jona Windeltiger
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Jona Windeltiger » 30.05.2018

We need more foreigners on our events - more English please! ;)
"A hot guy telling you when you can and can't pee? That's the dream." (Robin Scherbatsky)

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Squawk7700 » 15.08.2018

Hi Sunny,

I am one of the (brand new in terms of forum membership) English speakers on here. When it comes to my little space, English is the more natural language for me. Things like diaper, onesie, coveralls, and spanking just push other buttons in me than saying Windel, Windelbody, Latzhose, and Po versohlen. Speaking English in little space makes me squirm and blush much more easily. Those English words saw a lot of use in past years.

People in the US seem to think that Germans are kinky by default. Fortunately, work and friends give me plenty of opportunities to speak English to prove them right by uttering lewd comments. :-P I just created my account on this forum today to look at the discussions regarding an ageplay event I will be attending. I have not done that sort of thing in a while for various reasons, but now I am really looking forward to attending one again.

A long time ago I (inter alia) went to a couple of SMJG meetings, but the folks back then were not very welcoming to ageplayers and focused more on the whips and chains side of things. There are, however, a number of ageplay gatherings in Germany and Europe at large. For example, "Hyttetur" (an AB/DL retreat) will be taking place in Denmark from August 18-25th and there is a diaper camp in Germany from September 13-16th.
There will be a few separate ageplay events at the Quälgeist in Berlin on the weekend of September 28-30th; 150+ participants are expected at those events, which probably makes it the biggest event in Germany. Friday is only for diapered boys whereas the events on Saturday and Sunday are for the whole ageplay community regardless of sex. There will also be a big ageplay event (Ageplay Freizeit) from November 1-5th in the Harz region, but I think you would have to get on the waiting list for that one. Some big events in the US such as US Littles and TeddyCon are also coming up. Sometime in December there is an AB/DL-themed Christmas party in Amsterdam.

As you can see there are plenty of events to choose from! :-)
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Jona Windeltiger

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von davebrad » 05.08.2020

I am a native English daddy, very happy to look after baby girls, or even just young girls, part of looking after will involve speaking to them in English and reading them English baby storybooks. A nice way to learn for you
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Sabse90 » 16.12.2020

Hello there/Hello Sunny=)

I think, I am way to late for this conversation. But nevertheless, I want to write a few words. I am native German speker. And my English is not the best, but I try to write nevertheless... No improve, without practice and I like the English language. I like to call a caregiver, "Daddy" . It sounds softer and also helps to diverse between my real Papa,
(Dad) . I need this diversion. The best Storys of CG/lg are in English and I like to read in english. Books in the original Language are better than the translated ones. It is nice to talk with Cg and Littles all over the world, too. I don't have someone, who enjoys to talk in English with me at home, but I write in English with people in a few groups that I am. It is better that way in the corona-times, too. Nice idea to open up a section for the international-speaker in Kuddelmuddel, too. I am very shy and not sure, it even is appropriate to write this here... But I hope it is.

Hope you all are well

Nice ragards

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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von davebrad » 30.12.2020

Very well and very happy to chat
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Re: English Speakers in Germany

von Nappybaby » 24.10.2023

Hello everyone,

I´ve wanted to join this conversation because the answers seem rather interesting.
English always was and still is one of my main languages even though I am native german.
Diaper, Nappy and Spanking sound way more babyish than the german equivalents, that´s why I mainly use english while little.

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