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Fluttershy searches for Angel, in Hamburg

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 28.10.2020
Ich bin: männliches Little
Hat sich bedankt: 0
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Fluttershy searches for Angel, in Hamburg

von fuechschen » 08.11.2020

Hihi, *looks shyly behind stuffy*

I already made one in German, but wanted to try another English, since most of my little space is in English.

Disclaimer: I am very shy, so if something sounds cheesy it’s because I feel more secure with it. I don’t like to talk about myself.

I am 24 yo, searching for a mommy for a romantic relationship, or a daddy for a platonic.

In Little Space I like to color, or just put stickers ev‘rywhere, especially if they’re sparkly. I like to hear Melanie Martinez or Disney songs along. I also like to watch Disney movies, mostly the older ones, but my favorites are frozen and beauty and the beast with Emma Watson. Or I just sing along and I dance silly.

I am a milkaholic, just in ev‘ry shape. As well as I am addicted to my pacifiers and stuffies.

With you I would like to have nice Cg/Little days, for example going to the zoo or museum. As well I as will give you the complete lead in all, save sexual (where will be none). I need you to hold hands with, and cuddle.

I hope I don’t sound too crazy, or creepy. If not, please send a message.

Bye, I go back under my blanket

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