Just chatting

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Just chatting

von Sabse90 » 16.12.2020

Hello there,

I think, maybe, If erveryone can just talk about what they want, it is a bit easier to write, sometimes. For this reason, I try to open a thread, which everyone is free to tlk about what they want, in the space of what the rules allows. If it is not a good idea, feel free to say it, too. I don't want to open a thread which is not in the interest of this site.
Zuletzt geändert von Sabse90 am 16.12.2020, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Registriert: 13.09.2020
Ich bin: Babygirl
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Re: Just chatting

von Sabse90 » 16.12.2020

I watched Disney cut scenes with the original language, Yesterday. It was fun to listen. I don't understand everything, but it was nice to listen what it would sound like. Did you ever watch movies in the original language? Or read books in the original lenguage? If I never did that, I never would have fond out, that in some translation forms they cut some things out or it lost the funny meaning. Do yo like to write/talk in other than your native language? Feel free to talk of other things, too. =)

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Re: Just chatting

von eedoo » 16.12.2020

I try to watch films and TV series in the original version whenever possible and whenever I understand the original language (which essentially narrows it down to English and French). I often find the German dialogue quite stilted, and much of the non-literal content (such as humour, irony, allusions, cultural references) are often lost in the translation.

I also occasionally watch children's programmes in languages that I don't understand and find that a fairly unique experience. It's probably nothing like the experience of a small child who is just learning to make sense of the sounds that they are hearing, but it's an alluring experience to simulate this kind of thing in an adult context.
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“I’d spell it out for you, only I can’t spell.” –Fran Kubelik

Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 13.09.2020
Ich bin: Babygirl
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Re: Just chatting

von Sabse90 » 16.12.2020

(which essentially narrows it down to English and French).
With me, it is essentiall, norrowed down to only English (and German, if that counts)

I watched most movies in the lenguage it was originally made from the actors, if I am interested enough in the movie. Which is mostly English. In the cut scenes I mentioned they was in the original language from the place the movie played in. Pinocchio played in Italy for example, so it was in Italian. Never known, that Tangled plays in Germany. One of my favorite Disney movie.
I often find the German dialogue quite stilted, and much of the non-literal content (such as humour, irony, allusions, cultural references) are often lost in the translation.
That is my thinking, too. If I read the original reading of the book and after that, the translated... It sounds like there are a bunch of things missing, like a cut version of the book. I don't understand every and each word of the book, but enough, to have a better experience, than with the translated version.

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Re: Just chatting

von baerschen » 20.12.2020


just another (probably well-known) example: recently read the Hitchhiker‘s guide to the Galaxy and imagined I was a translator and be given the task to translate it into German. Would be sooo impossible to me, even if I knew twice as much of English... Didn‘t read the German-language version (didn‘t even watch the movie, only watched a few episodes of the series in German when I was a child), don’t plan to.... wouldn‘t even dare to, for fear of disappointment :') . How on earth (and wherever there are anthropomorphic species) should one be able to translate books like this without a babel fish?...

Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 13.09.2020
Ich bin: Babygirl
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Re: Just chatting

von Sabse90 » 23.12.2020

just another (probably well-known) example: recently read the Hitchhiker‘s guide to the Galaxy
I'm afraid, I can't say so much about it. Because I don't know this... =( But I think, I understand what you mean, nevertheless.
should one be able to translate books like this without a babel fish?...
What means babel fish?

I translated a you tube video once... It was so much work.... It was fun, too =) . I tried to translate it, like some things we say in German. I controled every sentence, that it is every thing right with it... When I write freely like here...only chatting, I write without controls, very often. Sometimes I think, may be the gremma is wrong or the spelling... But it is lime reading an book with a forign language... If you try to translate every word you don't know, with dictionary, you can loose the fun of reading altogether.

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Registriert: 11.12.2016
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Hat sich bedankt: 255 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 296 Mal

Re: Just chatting

von baerschen » 23.12.2020

What means babel fish?
It‘s a small fish-like thing from the Hitchhiker‘s guide. You put it into your ear, and it translates every language of the galaxy. It does not directly translate language, but rather feeds on the brainwaves of the speaker and, as a by-effect, the „wearer“ can understand what they say (or something like that). Unfortunately, there is no English Wikipedia article about it, but a German one:


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