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Join the international Kuddelmuddel!

Beiträge: 1146
Registriert: 10.06.2016
Hat sich bedankt: 99 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 307 Mal

Join the international Kuddelmuddel!

von eedoo » 03.01.2017

Kuddelmuddel (German for "topsy-turvy") is a new ageplay community. We want it to be a cosy place for people who are sometimes (or more often) little, who like to play and cuddle, who prefer to wear diapers, or who sleep much better with a paci or a stuffed animal; and we want it to be a place for their bigs and caregivers and for other ageplayers of all kinds.

We founded Kuddelmuddel as a fun place to meet interesting people, share your experience and exchange tips. Join Kuddelmuddel and participate in discussions, post stories, announce events, and, above all, meet new people.

Our international section is specifically intended for everyone who is not a native speaker of German. Feel free to use this space to ask any questions you might have about the German ageplay scene, German products, or indeed anything related to ageplay or Kuddelmuddel itself.

Note: Although we should be able to understand questions in English, French and Swedish, we'd prefer contributions in English, and we can only answer you in English.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor eedoo für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 11):
Jona WindeltigerCookieundichankkemLucibaerschenLemAstroPämpiAbimayconfused soap bubble °~°
“I’d spell it out for you, only I can’t spell.” –Fran Kubelik

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